529 INFO

When I first encountered students who couldn't afford the colleges to which they were accepted the first thing I asked, "Do your parents have a 529?" I was surprised to discover that so few of my students or their parents even knew what I was talking about.

If you are here that means you already know a little about 529 and college savings.  But last year Edward Jones announced that 72% of Americans had never heard of a 529.  Business Insider did a great job of explaining the advantages of a 529.  With the new Tax Laws, even more students and families can take advantage of the 529.



Starting a 529

The Benefits

There are a number of benefits of using a 529 College Saving Plan to prepare for your child's future.

Best Parts

  • Automatic payments from a checking account
  • Investment grows over time
  • Growth of investment is tax-free
  • Contributions are deductible on state taxes
  • All qualified education expenses are covered
  • Minimal impact on financial aid calculation
  • Will soon be available for K-12 Private School tuition


Starting a 529

Keep in Mind

529 plans are an easy and smart way to save for your child's future but there are a few items to remember.


  • Must use the money for education
  • 10% penalty for non-education withdrawls
  • 529 have limited portfolio options